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Be leaders, support the sewer system plan

Dear Mayor and Council,

I urge each of you and all of you as a collective to stop this tug-of-war, to be true leaders.

Leadership is a place of privilege, honor, and service. It is a role that holds each of you to a higher standard and responsibility. Leaders are meant to elevate the standard, and lead the people to behave better. We expect, beyond a doubt, that you will be honest and be true to your word— and your participation in a council vote is your word. You are an extension of the leaders and council members that came before you, that laid the very foundation of where you now stand.

You agree to the outcome of the majority, and to uphold the process. Democracy is the foundation of our system of government, and to join in that process is a commitment—and not a commitment of convenience.

Specifically, a decision regarding waste water was voted upon, and based on that vote, a plan was put into action. Tax money has been spent and committed. Trees have been removed, and an area prepared. Your halting of that plan is a failure to lead, to keep your word, to remain committed to the process. Big picture, disregarding what is already in motion disrespects those who came before you—and not just the election before. This is a dangerous precedent to set.

As a leader, it is your job to see beyond the immediate and to anticipate the consequences of decisions you have been privileged enough to make on behalf of others. We - the people - are so tired of the same battles that turn personal, and are played out between friends and neighbors. We are tired of seeing the worst in our leaders and ourselves. We are tired. Inspire us by behaving head and shoulders better than we could ever expect. Do the unthinkable—respect the process, even respect what you disagree with, what you did not “win”. Do the right thing at all costs.

I appeal to the best part of each of you. Work in cooperation with the other entities, the parks, the school district, the citizens. Transparency, conversation, and good questions without defensiveness are terribly needed. Be a leader not just for our town, for our parks, and water, but as a ripple into the world that desperately needs good, honest, responsible leaders who respect the decisions, people, and democratic processes that came before them.

Specifically about the waste water issue, it is not a box to check off —to make a decision about and be done with it. We are in constant relationship with our water, and it is something we must be willing to revisit on a regular basis. A plan was made and moved on, and moving that plan forward is the responsible, right decision. Adjusting that over time, to implement new technology, or by shifting our own behavior and use of natural resources can be part of that plan.

Why is it one plan or another? Why can it not be the plan in motion, that we will all continue to improve upon? We must not lose sight of the fact that this is a continuous process and relationship we have with each other (even when leadership changes) and with our environment.

I truly believe each one of you has the ability to dig deep here, make this moment about more than one issue and the next term. Understand what it is you have the ability to impact beyond your time in office. Help bring us back together, in cooperation, which does not mean we all agree—it only means we agree to work together. Consider whose shoulders you stand upon.

Honor what a leader is because of all those who opened the doors for you to be privileged to stand in the world in all the ways you do. Please do not set us back into this conversation that has gone on way too long, or worse, creates more chasms in our community. Honor the decision, the plan, and the motion forward. Help build this plan that already is into the best we can collectively make it. Use your power for the good of all, and for the long-term. Be a leader beyond your constituents and donors. Be a Leader for all of us.


Jennifer Sabatier

Wimberley View

P.O. Box 49
Wimberley, TX 78676
Phone: 512-847-2202
Fax: 512-847-9054