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Wimberley Market Days Helps TCU Student Feel Right at Home

A fairly recent newcomer to Wimberley, Kyira Sommers soon will finish her sophomore year at Texas Christian University, studying Sports Broadcasting and Psychology as a double-major with a minor in Criminal Justice. Also, she is a member of Pi Beta Phi. In addition, she said, “I am an ambassador for TCU, a member of the gymnastics club, a health and wellness peer educator, a body positivity educator, and just about anything else I can get involved in. I also love thrifting and upscaling jean jackets in my free time!”

She is a self-proclaimed fan of Wimberley Lions Club’s Market Days, and has decorated her personal space with unique items from the iconic marketplace. Sommers said, “I knew that Market Days would have everything I was looking for to complete my cozy room. I love to spice up old items into fresh pieces, and have the best luck finding everything I dreamed of having. Some of my favorite finds include a very dated green trunk, a fake tree that goes perfectly with string lights, matching bins to hold my food and other accessories, and a doily that I used for a dream catcher. I am forever thankful that I get to be back in Wimberley soon and enjoy not only the hidden gems at Market Days, but the precious people and sites of nature.”

The musical line-up at Lions Field on Saturday, May 4, starting at 11:00 a.m. will be Little Beverly and the Shades at the Pavilion stage. JR Rustic Rythms plays the Shady Grove stage. And, Lyda Plummer plays the Hill Top stage.

Wimberley Lions Club Market Days happens on the first Saturday of each month, March through December, rain or shine. May’s shopping hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Find this festive marketplace at Lions Field, off FM 2325, about a mile from the Wimberley Square. There is ample parking in the 3 Lions Club lots with those donations serving the Wimberley community through grants and scholarships. Look for the feathery, red, white and blue banners at the two Lions Club lots across from Lions Field and the third lot on the left, (past the car wash,) heading toward the high school. For more information, visit their website at and follow on Facebook at

Wimberley View

P.O. Box 49
Wimberley, TX 78676
Phone: 512-847-2202
Fax: 512-847-9054