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Grocery stores respond to increased demand

If you’ve been to the grocery store today, you may have noticed that there are a few things missing. The mass influx of people shopping, trying to stock up due to increased concern for the COVID-19 virus spreading, has left shelves empty. But, both H-E-B and Brookshire Brothers are working to fill the shelves as rapidly as the product is being purchased.

H-E-B has been preparing for COVID-19 and we are in a strong position to keep replenishing shelves,” H-E-B said in a statement. “Customers shouldn't panic, we continue to restock shelves. We encourage preparedness, not stockpiling – please buy what you need & leave some for your neighbor behind you.”

Brookshire Brothers said they are working to keep the shelves full too.

Brookshire Brothers is working diligently with its suppliers to keep products on its shelves,” Brookshire Brothers said in a statement. “As we walk through the coronavirus together, be mindful of your community and its needs. Buy what is essential for your family and leave some for others.  We are here to serve as we have been for nearly 100 years.  Together we will help each other navigate this season.”

H-E-B said that they have 1,300 trailers full of product being delivered to stores today and that the supply chain is “operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”

Both stores highlighted that there are measures in place to try and prevent the spread of the virus at any given location to provide a “safe shopping experience.”

“Our store teams are working with an increased sense of urgency to make your shopping experience as safe as possible,” Brookshire Brothers said. “We are making sure our employee owners are equipped with the most current information and have a heightened sense of awareness on how best to limit the spread of the virus. Be assured that we have increased the frequency of disinfecting commonly shared areas and touch-points throughout the store. Our regimen of best safety practices is even more enhanced for everyone’s well-being. We are all in this together and share the common goal of containing the threat of illness.”

H-E-B made a similar statement adding that they are sanitizing “stores and hard surfaces at higher frequency and customers can find hand sanitizer available throughout our stores, as well as basket wipes at every entrance.”


Where can I learn more?

• H-E-B Information:

• Brookshire Brothers Information:

• To learn key facts and help stop the spread of rumors, see the Share Facts, Not Fear page on the CDC’s COVID-19 website..

• And for more in-depth information on COVID-19, see the CDC’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Wimberley View

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