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August Market Days canceled

The Wimberley Lions Club has decided that there will be no August Market Days due to the COVID-19 virus. There were multiple reasons for this decision as summarized by Lions President Bobby Burris:

• The virus is getting worse and worse in Wimberley, Hays County, Austin, San Antonio and other places from where Market Day patrons come. It was felt that the health threat to our Lions, community volunteers, vendors, shoppers and the community-at-large was much too great.

• Approval by the Mayor of Wimberley is mandated under the Executive Orders of Governor Abbott. The Lions have requested this approval. However, approval has not been given. The Lions needed a decision before now in order to make all the modifications that would be necessary in order to have an August Market Day.

• An insufficient number of people would be willing and available to staff a much scaled-back August Market Days according to a survey done of Lions and community volunteers. Without enough Lions and volunteers, it was impossible to even think about having Market Days in August.

Lion President Bobby Burris noted “Amid the spread of COVID-19, there is no feasible way for the Lions Club to put proper precautions in place while maintaining the Market Day environment that we know and love. The safest and most responsible decision we could make for all involved at this point is cancel the August 1 Market Days.”

Vice-President Frank Curtis added “A gathering of thousands of people, from all around this area, in the City of Wimberley, poses a significant health risk to shoppers, vendors, community volunteers and Lions. We are concerned not only for Wimberley but also for the communities to which the shoppers will return. The virus could easily be transported to areas that have far fewer cases at this time. We hate to not have a Market Day, but this is the safest decision we could make.”

Wimberley View

P.O. Box 49
Wimberley, TX 78676
Phone: 512-847-2202
Fax: 512-847-9054