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In my last column, I mentioned that Thryallis was blooming beautifully along with Mexican oregano and Pride of Barbados. So, this week, what should I write about? Why not go ahead and write about Thryallis? This is a plant that is somewhat new on the scene. The Central Texas Gardener stated that it was one of the most exciting new plants to come along in the last decade and I agree. It is a medium size shrub that grows 6’ – 9’ tall and about 4’ wide. Yellow, spiked flowers cover it from spring till the first frost. One source even said it produces flowers year around. However, mine stop blooming before winter.

Deer are not attracted to it and it takes very little care, including not much water. Pests are not a problem. It is also a good container plant. One suggestion was that it be planted in pots that could then line a deck along with other plants. Another source suggested that this yellow blooming shrub would compliment purple plants such as Texas sage, Mexican oregano and Duranta. Mine stand alone and I am happy with that. Also, seedlings come up quite readily so more than one shrub can easily find a home nearby. It can be pruned and shaped like a bonsai plant. If that doesn’t work out, it will grow back quickly, ready for new spring growth. Grows best in sun but will take shade.

The more I write, the more this reads like the most perfect new plant ever. I think I better stop and let some of you discover its assets.

Written by Martha Knies

Wimberley View

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Wimberley, TX 78676
Phone: 512-847-2202
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