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A taste of tea from Malawi

Jordan Price, the honorary consul of Malawi, who was featured in The View recently, conducted a tea tasting that attracted 120 participants from Africa, Australia, Europe — and Wimberley.

The on-line tasting originated from Jordan’s Woodcreek home. The purpose of the event was to promote products from the poor southeast African nation. Tea is one of a handful of products that Malawi exports around the world.

Jordan, who has spent time in Malawi working on economic projects and owns property there, spent the first 10 minutes of the presentation talking about life in Malawi and his experiences with the tea harvest.

His next event is planned for Sunday, Nov. 15 and will feature Texas honey along with tea from Malawi. Jordan will share holiday-themed recipes and make marshmallows, chocolate tea and a liqueur made with hibiscus.

If you have a question about Malawi or would like to take part in the tasting, contact Jordan at: jprice@

Malawi at a glance

Official languages:

English and Chewa


77 percent Christian

Gained independence:


Population (est.):

19 million


45,747 square miles

Wimberley View

P.O. Box 49
Wimberley, TX 78676
Phone: 512-847-2202
Fax: 512-847-9054